Saturday, March 25 | 1 PM | First Congregational Church

Dir. Jean Luc Herbulot | Thriller / Horror | Senegal / France | 2021 | 1 hr. 24 min. | French, Wolof, English, Spanish, and sign language with English subtitles

During the 2003 Guinea-Bissau coup d’état, three mercenaries endeavor to escape with a wanted drug lord and a briefcase full of gold. When their plane springs a leak on the way to Dakar, Senegal, they seek refuge in a holiday camp in the country’s coastal region, the Sine-Saloum Delta, where they encounter a police captain, a mysterious deaf and mute woman, and supernatural forces that threaten to expose the trio’s true identities and past secrets. Proudly billed as a “southern,” Congolese director Jean Luc Herbulot’s second feature is a fast-paced genre-bender that flaunts but also sets itself apart from its Western influences, telling a story that is emphatically African.

Tickets for this screening are general admission, and pay-what-you-can.